Facebook is the social invention of the century, and with over 250 million users, the market is one of the largest in the world. Tapping into this market successfully can be a challenge for the unprepared, but utilizing these simple tips will help anyone bring in more money to their business using Facebook.

1. Get a Page

A Facebook page will allow you to reach a vast market of potential customers. This is an invaluable asset, as you will be able to promote your business and establish more of a relationship with customers by showing them the personal side of your business.
Create a page on Facebook here.

2. Updates, updates, updates!

The news feed on your page is an essential part of Facebook and updating it frequently with news and sale dates is a way to keep your fans returning to your page and business.

3. Photos

Posting pictures of yourself and employees is a way to connect with your customers. This allows people to see the faces behind the business and make your future interactions a little less formal.

4. No Inventory

Though it may seem strange to have a business page focusing mainly on inventory, this strategy will sell more in the end. People don’t want to feel as if they are being bombarded with advertisements while on Facebook. Limit your photos and promotions of products to only specials and sale items.

5. Facebook Ads

Facebook advertising is versatile and flexible. Businesses on a budget should try it, as it uses a filter system, only promoting your business to those most likely to buy.

Facebook is not only a social networking site; it is a valuable asset to all businesses. To those who are brave enough to attempt a break-through in such a tight market, Facebook is a way to increase your profit margin and take your business to the next step.