There are many great ways to save money around the house, and most of them are easier than you think! Changing up such small things as when you do your laundry will make a huge difference to your wallet and your schedule. Check out a few tips for saving money around the house.

1. Wash your clothing in cold water

Do you know that using the water heater can be very expensive? A water heater is actually the 3rd most expensive appliance in your home. Since many detergents work better in cold water, why not wash the clothing in cold water? This is one of the best ways to save money around the house!

2. Run your appliances at night or on the weekends

Another easy way to save money around the house is to run your appliances, such as washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers after 8 p.m. or on the weekends when the electric company gives reduced rates. Visit the utility company’s website and find out when it’s less costly to use electricity.

3. Host a clothing swap party

Clothing swap is when your friends or neighbors get together and bring the clothes that they’re wearing less or don’t wear at all. Hosting a clothing swap party is one of the greatest ways to save money on clothes! Instead of purchasing an entire new wardrobe, you can get some of your friends’ goods and loan yours out to them in return. This is a good idea when your closet starts looking dull and you have nothing to wear.

Read also – 9 Tips for Girls Who Have a Stuffed Wardrobe but Have Nothing to Wear

4. Invest in the Nest thermostat

The Nest thermostat may seem a little bit pricey, but trust me, it’s worth it. Most of my energy bill is made up of cooling and heating costs and the Nest thermostat memorizes my schedule so it knows when I’m home, active, and sleeping. Then, it uses this information to reduce unneeded cooling and heating costs. The company guaranteed a return on investment in 3 years, but I saved so much on my electric bill that the thermostat paid for itself in 6 months!

5. Use cloth instead of paper

Do your wallet and the environment a favor and use cloth instead of paper. This easy switch will help to save a lot on your weekly grocery bill and will keep your carbon footprint lighter. Purchasing a couple of washable cloth napkins and several bundles of rags may seem expensive at first, but you’ll be surprised by how much you can save on your weekly expenses!

6. Look for saving apps

Nowadays there are many wonderful money saving apps and a lot of stores even keep their coupons on apps. All you should do is to input your phone number and a zip code. All coupons can be saved to your phone and then applied at checkout with your telephone number.

These great tips could help you to save from a few dollars a month to a few hundred a year. Do you have any tips for saving money around the house? Share your thoughts, please!