Looking for quick ways to make your hair super shiny? I’ve got some tried and true tricks that help me look fabulous at every party and social gathering. Many women believe that they need to spend a lot of money and time to have beautiful hair, but let celebs spend a fortune on beauty salons.
You can get super glossy shiny hair in a jiff without leaving your home. So are you ready? Let’s start trying some of the tricks mentioned below.
1. Opt for oil treatment
Don’t worry, oil treatment will not make your hair look heavy, greasy, and oily. Oil treatment revitalizes the hair and makes dull hair soft, shiny, and sleek. The only drawback is that it will take a few washes to get rid of the oil. Plus, you will need to spend a few hours or the whole night in a shower cap.
Read also – 10 Tips to Make Hot Oil Hair Treatment
2. Do a cold water rinse
Are you going to wash your hair right now? Great! You can make your hair shinier if you rinse it with cold water. I know, it sounds terrifying, especially now when it’s so cold outside. But, beauty knows no pain. Wash your hair with warm water, and then rinse it with cold water to get smooth, shiny hair in a matter of minutes.
3. Use a shine spray
If you don’t have time for oil treatment and washing your hair, give a shine spray a try. Not only will this spray tame your hair and make it look more beautiful, but it will also give it lots of dazzling shine. If you have split ends, a good shine spray can help camouflage them in a few minutes.
4. Use a leave-in conditioner
There are many great leave-in conditioners that you can use after you wash your hair. I don’t recommend using a leave-in conditioner if your hair is too oily, because it can look greasy and dull. If you have frizzy or dry hair, use a good quality leave-in conditioner to moisturize your hair all day (or night) long, and make it look amazingly shiny.
5. Use an at-home glossing treatment
Want to keep your hair smooth and shiny for a week? Try out an at-home glossing treatment. It’s quick and easy to make and the result will be awesome.
You can buy a glossing treatment in your local drugstore and use it when you want to impress everyone with your super glossy hair. You will need a few minutes to do an at-home glossing treatment.
6. Use baking soda
Combine 2 tbsp. of baking soda with half a cup of water, apply it to your hair, and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse your hair with cold water and voila! You have clear, soft, and shiny hair without spending tons of money on expensive hair products.
Read also – 10 Amazing Beauty Uses for Baking Soda
7. Do a white vinegar rinse
If your hair is too frizzy and cold water doesn’t help, try to do a white vinegar rinse after you shampoo and condition your tresses. Add one part white vinegar to three parts warm or cold water and rinse your hair. It will help clarify your scalp, restore the pH in your hair and make it reflect light. If you don’t have white vinegar in the kitchen, opt for apple cider vinegar instead.
Now that you know some of the most effective, instant tricks to get super shiny hair, what are you waiting for? Give some of these tricks a try and let me know what works for you best. You don’t need to spend a fortune to look beautiful! You can find many useful ingredients in your own kitchen that you can use to make your tresses look healthy and shiny!