Appealing legs are one of the most important assets to consider as a woman. As the weather becomes cooler, and the humidity becomes lower, your skin will need more moisture.

1. Apply lotion on your legs

Because fall is a much cooler season, the tendency is for a woman to wear pants or anything that covers the legs like warmers and opaque tights. Always make sure to apply lotion on your legs to keep them moisturized.

2. Massage your legs and your feet regularly

You could go to the spa or use your favorite essential oil to give your legs the attention it deserves this season. Try applying your favorite body butter. A hot bath could help you relax too.

3. Keep your feet elevated when you sleep

Make sure that when you sleep, you keep your feet elevated so that you wouldn’t be prone to varicose veins. By doing this, you are keeping your legs appealing.

4. Exfoliate

Fall is the time to exfoliate, exfoliate, and exfoliate! When you exfoliate, you are getting rid of the dry and rough skin, but you are also prepping your skin for a closer shave that will give your legs a flawless look.

5. Squats and lunges

Exercises such as squats and lunges also enhance your legs. They will get your legs in shape. Since it’s colder in the fall season, you won’t have to worry about sweat!

6. Keep your weight to a healthy level

Keep your weight to a healthy level so your legs wouldn’t look flabby. Appealing legs are legs that are in proportion to the rest of your body.

7. Use hair removal pads

Use hair removal pads to help boost your leg appeal. Not only will these pads help exfoliate the skin, but they will also help you get rid of the unwanted leg hair. If you are keen on saving this season, then you could always make use of the brown sugar in your kitchen cabinet to give your skin the nourishment and the conditioning it deserves.

8. Drink plenty of water

Drink plenty of water to give your legs and your skin the glow it needs.

Appealing legs are free from flakes and dryness. During the fall, apply these tips to keep your legs appealing and healthy.