If you have a dog or cat, a pet bed for each room is a good idea your pet needs to be where you are, nodding off while watching you. With a pet bed in each room, though, you need to think about how well it goes with the decor.

Here are 10 DIY pet beds ideas that you can try out.

1. The end-table pet bed

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An end table with storage space inside can be the ideal place to put in a bed for a small pet. You simply need to remove the doors and plop down a fat cushion inside. Your pet will be happy with its cozy little space where it can be undisturbed as it watches the goings-on in the room.

2. The pet in the suitcase

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A vintage leather suitcase may not look good on a trip. At home, though, it can easily look the part as a pretty antique. It will only work if you cleverly repurpose it, though. If you’re looking for a pet bed idea, a suitcase can be the answer. Fill it up with soft cushions and leave it open in a corner. Your pet will find out what to do with it all by itself.

3. A rustic pallet bed

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Wooden pallets tend to be a part of hundreds of great DIY ideas, pet beds included. While you can always order wooden pallets online, you can easily find them discarded behind any garden store, hardware store or farmers’ market, too. When you find one, it doesn’t take much effort to turn it into pet bed. You simply need to turn it upside down, use sandpaper to smooth all the edges, scroll your pet’s name at the front and put in a cushion.

4. Repurpose an old crib

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If you have an old crib in the basement or can find one at a yard sale, you can make the cutest pet bed with it. Remove one or two sides, put in soft bedding and throw in a few toys.

5. Repurpose a drawer

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If you can find a large drawer at a yard sale, it will take only a little work to turn it into a very attractive cat bed. Cut down one side, smooth the edges and hammer 4 furniture legs on. With plenty of little cushions, the drawer could become a perfect pet hideout.

6. A stool can turn into a four-poster pet bed

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If you’d like to really spoil your pet, a footstool or other stool with four wide-set legs can make a killer bed. When you turn it upside down, it can easily work as a four-poster canopy bed the four legs turn into canopy posts. You only need to fashion a canopy with a small lace tablecloth to make your pet feel truly special.

7. If you have an old CRT unit

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If you’d like a cozy little space for a small pet, an old television or large computer monitor can be a great idea. You simply need to roll up your sleeves and remove the picture tube and other electrical parts.  The empty cabinet will now make an admirable space for a little cat or dog.

8. An old console television can work, too

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Large console televisions have been obsolete for decades now. You’ll find them at old flea markets and yard sales. When you get one, remove all the internals, give the interiors a good lick of paint and plop down a mattress for your pet.

9. Make your pet believe you’re there

Photo credit: pinterest

10. DIY Mini Teepee Bed

Photo credit: pinterest
This cute little DIY bed for pet is a mini teepee, perfect for small pets like rabbits, cats, or tiny dogs. It’s made from light fabric, probably cotton or canvas, shaped into a cozy tent. The edges are trimmed with soft, white pom-poms for a playful touch.

Inside, there’s a round cushion that fits just right, making it super comfy. The front flaps can be tied open for easy access. This teepee bed isn’t just comfy; it’s a stylish piece that would look great in any room, especially with modern or boho décor.

An old pair of jeans you used to wear and a few little cushions are all you need to fashion a little pet bed that everyone will love you, your pet and also anyone who visits. The idea is to take jeans, stuff it with pillows to give it shape and to then set it down in corner with folded legs as if it was you. Your pet will have a grand time snuggling in its new bed that smells just like its master.