There are some goals that can help you shed pounds as a result of reaching your goal. I like to lose those extra pounds and transform my body without the stress! Numerous studies show that those who lose weight and maintain it are focused more on reaching fitness goals rather than on the numbers on the scale. Check out 7 goals that will help you shed pounds and have fun.

1. Try a new sport

No matter what your fitness level or age is, it’s always fun to try something new, so why not master a new sport? Register for a volleyball, softball, soccer league, or swimming in your age category. It’s a perfect way to make new friends, burn calories, and lose weight without stress!

2. Do some dancing

Dancing is a good exercise and lots of fun. If you think that you’re a really talented dancer or you want to become one, why not register for dance competitions? Do some swing, Latin dancing, or whatever you want. You can also register for dancing classes and make fitness fun!

Read also – 7 Wonderful Benefits of Dancing You Don’t Know About Yet

3. Register for a running race

One of my favorite things to do is to register for a running race, because it’s all about committing to something much greater than just weight loss. It’s all about improving your mental and physical health. I recommend starting with a 5k race since it’s achievable with minimum weekly mileage training. Running burns about 600-800 calories in an hour!

4. Register for a bike race

If you start bike racing, you’ll be focusing on your training and the pounds will seem to melt off quickly. When you register for a bike race, you’re committing to not only a race but to training as well, which will add up to calories burned and, of course, inches lost!

5. Register for an extreme challenge

This can be a two day walk, a longer bike race, a challenge run, or whatever else you’d like to challenge yourself with. It’s even better if you do this for a charity! Recently, I ran the hardest 5k in my life and I can tell you, as difficult as it was, I liked reaching this goal!

6. Join a swimming league

Yes, swimming is an excellent exercise and many gyms have great pools, so this can be easily accessible if you have a gym membership. You can join a swimming league and focus on a goal rather than weight loss.

Read also – 7 Wonderful Reasons to Fall in Love with Fitness Classes

7. Enlist in a local boot camp

Registering for a boot camp class is a great for total body training. I’ve already tried it and it has given me an amazing boot in the right direction for losing weight and body changes and it can surely do the same for you. But if you decide to enlist in a boot camp, make sure you’re ready for the challenge. It’s important!

If you make fitness goals you’ll lose those pounds without the stress over the numbers. What goal will you start with first? Please comment below!