Have you ever thought about good reasons to get a massage? Massages help relieve stress, relax your muscles and mind and help you sleep. More than just a frivolous indulgence, massages could become an important part of your life. Read on to learn a few great reasons to treat yourself to a massage today.
1. Fight pain
Massages can work wonders for people with back pain since they can relieve tension. Moreover, massages can fight chronic pain! In a survey, a massage was rated as more effective than acupuncture, medication, exercise, and yoga. So if you suffer from chronic back pain, try getting a massage on a regular basis!
2. Sleep better
A good massage will leave you feeling calm and relaxed and will help you get an excellent night’s sleep. Numerous studies have found that a massage increases delta waves that promote deep sleep. Massages are even known as a good insomnia cure.
3. It beats PMS
One of the most amazing reasons to get a massage today is to fight PMS. A massage kills pain, eases bloating, soothes cramps, and balances out mood swings. Having some ‘me’ time is always valuable.
Many massage places offer some special treatments that are created to be extra soothing and avoid the abdomen. Just be sure to mention PMS at your appointment.
Read also – 7 Foods That Help Fight PMS
4. Be happier
This is another reason to get a massage right now. A message has been proven to lower cortisol levels, reduce stress and increase the so-called happiness hormones dopamine and serotonin. That means you will feel much happier and it will last really long after you have left!
5. Increase bonding
There’s something great in a women’s spa retreat for the weekend, which is advertised at spas. There’s also something about the healing, relaxing environment that is said to improve a relationship and increase bonding. So it’s no wonder that spa treatments are becoming more popular, even with wives and husbands.
6. Feel slimmer
If you are not a biologist, this might be a bit technical! Massage improves lymphatic drainage, which carries toxins away from cells. This has a firming effect on your body.
Many firming and cellulite creams aim to boost this drainage. Massages really do improve blood flow and increase lymphatic drainage, giving you immediate and visible results. You will be impressed!
7. Fight colds
Regular massages increase white blood cell production, which aids in fighting off infections and colds. People who have massages on a regular basis tend to suffer from much fewer infections, colds, and flues.
Make regular massages the main part of your beauty and health habits. You’ll feel much healthier and more beautiful! Do you know any benefits of massages? Share them, please.