There are many interesting things in our life, which we can do instead of watching TV, especially when the weather outside is warm and fine. Do you like sit and stare at the television or the computer screen when the weather outside is so beautiful? I hope no.

Now, I’m speaking to all stay-at-home girls who like to spend their time watching television or at a computer. Look around! There are many funny activities and things you can do instead of watching TV.

1. Listen to music

Listening to music is one of the best things you can do instead of watching TV. Music makes you want to move around. Listen to music when you do your housework or workout, it goes by faster than usual. Try and you’ll see the result!

2. Read

One of my favorite things to do instead of watching TV is reading. Reading is a great way to stimulate your mind.

Go to the shop or library, choose an interesting book, and read it at the park, at home, while taking the bath, everywhere you want. Just try, reading is better than watching TV!

Read also – 7 Tips for Improving Your Foreign Language Skills

3. Go for a walk

I know sometimes you don’t want any workouts, but remember you should always be active! Turn off your TV and go for a walk!

You may go by yourself, or take friend or dog with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re alone or with someone, walking is a great thing you can do instead of watching TV.

Read also – 7 Ways to Exercise without Exercising

4. Go in for sports

Sport is very interesting thing you can do instead of watching TV. Why not spend an hour playing your favourite sport activity instead of sitting and watching television?

There are many kinds of sport you can choose, it can be softball, soccer, golf, whatever. Besides, it’s a good time to be with your friends than sitting at home at the television screen.

Read also – The Health Benefits of Using Sports Drinks

5. Cook

I must confess cooking and baking are some of my favorite hobbies. Instead of spending your time at the TV screen, you can spend your time cooking at the kitchen.

Don’t be afraid of experiments! Cook for your family, friends, or someone whom you love and you’ll see that’s better than watching TV!

Read also – 7 Delicious and Easy Healthy Side Dishes for Dinner

6. Have a good talk

It doesn’t matter whether you gossip or discuss something, chatter is one of the things you can do instead of watching TV. Nowadays we don’t spend enough time really talking to each other anymore. Is it sad? Of course, yes.

That’s why instead of watching TV spend more time talking with your parents, friends, boyfriend, or anyone else to whom you feel close. Be in touch with the feelings of those whom you love and live the full life without watching TV!

Read also – 8 Ways to Become More Outgoing

7. Take up a hobby

Hobby is another thing you can do instead of watching TV. Besides, it’s a great way to keep your mind stimulated. You probably already have a favourite hobby, then why don’t you spend those watching TV hours on doing things that you love?! If you don’t have a hobby, choose something you’ve always wanted to do, but felt like you never had time for it.

Read also – 5 Great Hobbies That Can Improve Your Health

8. Go for a drive

Small road trip is something that you can do instead of watching TV. If you have a car, play your music loud, and go driving the back roads. It sounds simply and enjoyable, isn’t it? It’s a perfect time to think, to relax and to see all kinds of beautiful and interesting things you’d never noticed before.

Read also – 6 Things You Can Do Only after Midnight

9. Go dancing

If you like dancing, then it’s another interesting thing you can do instead of watching TV. It’s a great time for you to learn dance you’ve always wanted to do.

Go dancing with your friends or boyfriend and have some fun! Dancing also is really healthy! Dancing is a form of self-expression. Dancing is socialization.

Read also – 8 Dances You Should Try

10. Have a workout

You could also have a workout instead of watching TV. Nowadays people say that they have no time for exercising, but it’s not true.

If you spend just half an hour for workout instead of watching TV, you’ll feel yourself more energetic and healthy. Maybe you wanna have better butt?) Do these exercises.

Read also – 7 Workout Tips for Absolute Beginners

11. Go on a date

It doesn’t matter whether you’re single or have a boyfriend, go on a date, it’s really interesting thing you can do instead of watching TV. If you’re single and you have a boy you’re interested in, ask him out with you. If you’re not single ask your boyfriend to go out to dinner, see a movie, visit a zoo, whatever.

Read also – 4 Do’s and Don’ts of Mixing Dating and Finances

12. Learn something

Learning something new is one of the best things you can do instead of watching TV. You can learn a new language, a new dance, or other subjects you’re interested in, even if it’s not related to your job.

Read also – 7 Reasons Making Mistakes is Actually Good for You

13. Write

Writing as well as reading plays a significant role in my life. As opposed to television, it gives me vital energy.

You should try writing too. It may be essays, poetry, novel, short stories, or just your daily thoughts. You must admit that writing is more interesting than watching TV!

Read also – 7 Tips on How to Become a Better Writer

14. Explore

Do you remember when we were children how we liked to explore? I know we are not kids, but why can’t we do that now?

Find district you don’t know well, or go to close state, there are so many places to explore. Don’t waste your time watching TV, there are so many things to do and to see instead of it.

Read also – 20 Reasons to Go Traveling Now

15. Join a club

Joining some kinds of club such as book club, gardening club, weight loss club, is another interesting thing you can do instead of watching TV. To be around people who like the same things as you, what can be better?

Read also – 5 Reasons Book Club Can Improve Your Writing Skills

I’m not one of those girls who says that she doesn’t watch TV at all. But I want you to know that there are so many interesting things you can do instead of watching TV. Don’t forget that you need stimulate your mind and body.

Do you have some other things to do instead of watching TV? Feel free to share them in the comments section!