Getting rid of body fat fast can be challenging, and many people believe it’s impossible, but there are some ways to make this process easier and more effective.
These ways will help you reduce your body fat, tone your trouble areas and look your best. So, if you are curious to find out the best ways to reduce body fat really fast, keep on reading…
1. Drink tea
Tea is a wonderful drink that helps you relax and relieve stress. I’m not going to tell you that you should stop drinking coffee and start drinking only tea instead. If you want to lower your body fat fast, you may want to drink tea more often than usual.
Try to drink tea as often as you can, and you will notice excellent results. On the other hand, I try not to overdo with tea, and I drink 3 to 4 cups per day. The best option is green tea or white tea.
They contain caffeine and antioxidants that help stimulate our metabolism, produce anti-inflammation effects and calm our nervous system. Scientists claim that green and white teas are rich in catechins which do all the job.
Sure, I combine drinking green tea with other tricks to promote fast fat-burning. I start every morning with a cup of green tea with mint. It gives me a burst of energy for the whole day. Plus, a cup of green or white tea before bed will guarantee you a sound sleep.
In summer, cold green tea with a slice of lemon is a one-shot remedy against heat. Don’t add any sugar. Choose cinnamon or stevia instead and enjoy this tasty and calming tea drinking.
2. Use lemon juice
This is a great way to lose weight and cleanse your body. Just add a small amount of lemon juice to your smoothie, tea, water, salads, or even to the meat or fish dishes, and you will get enough useful things. It’s rich in Vitamin C, and it gives you antioxidants and protects your immune system.
You will improve the bloodstream and reduce body fat all at one time. Researches show that most of us fight fat because of poor digestion. As a result, our body lacks the necessary chemicals to burn fat. Moreover, we accumulate toxins that influence badly our spirit. Due to high concentrations of citric acid in lemons, they aid in digestion.
Moreover, a fresh lemon juice improves other ingredients’ tastes and adds its own delicious taste. I don’t use sunflower seed oil in my salads because lemon juice is a better salad dressing. Moreover, lemons are easy to store.
You can store them at room temperature up to 10 days and several months in the fridge. If you need lemon juice, keep it in ice cubes, as lemon doesn’t lose any of its nutrients when defrosted. I often add lemon peels to my green tea. They contain 5 to 10 times more essential vitamins than lemon juice.
Read also – 7 Incredible Benefits of Lemon Water
3. Start reading the labels
We all can read, but we don’t use this ability when we really need to do it. It’s not so hard to read a food label, isn’t it? When reading food labels, you might confused at first. But it’s important to devote some time to learn what all those strange words on food labels mean; otherwise, you will be unable to control your diet and calories.
When purchasing any food, don’t forget to check out its serving size. You will understand how many portions you eat and how many calories there are in one serving. Foods with a caloric value up to 40 are low in calories, 100 is a moderate amount, and more than 400 are high in calories. You should forget about the last group if you want to drop weight.
When buying foods, I also look at the number of fats, sodium, and cholesterol. I know that it should be as low as possible. Another thing I always check out is sugar. Even unprocessed sugars such as evaporated cane juice, organic cane juice, cane sugar, sucanat, organic sugar, maple syrup, agave, and molasses are sources of great amounts of sugar.
In fact, they won’t help you reduce your body fat. They will actually make you crave more food. Finally, you can use labels to increase the amount of useful nutrients. Opt for foods that contain lots of vitamins, fiber and minerals.
4. Move
Forget about sofa, get up and move! Don’t let yourself be lazy, and you need some movements. It’s significant for your metabolism and burning fat and calories. Just do something, even if you don’t have anything to do at home. It only looks this way, and you may always find something to do.
Wash something around you, turn off your computer and clean your desk. Get rid of some old clothes, clean your windows or get rid of dust. Household duties help us to burn much more calories than we get used to thinking! You need to move more during the day to lower your body fat.
Forget about public transport or your car. A half-hour walk can help to get rid of nearly 300 calories! If you are always short of time in the morning and cannot afford such a stroll, try cycling. It possesses indisputable advantages such as physical activities, good muscles, and no traffic jams.
Another way I use to move more is staircases. I’m sure that your office building is well equipped with everything necessary, including an elevator. But if you really want to burn calories, try to use stairs as often as possible. It may be a difficult and excessive task at first. However, your muscles will soon get used to constant movement, and this physical activity will bring you pleasure.
Read also – 7 Tips to Get Motivated to Exercise Every Day
5. Weight training
Most women imagine mannish girls when they hear about weight trainings. However, it is one more stereotype I will try to break. It is mere ignorance and an excuse to skip training.
If you want to reduce body fat, just add some iron to your workouts and avoid doing only cardiovascular exercises. This way, you will burn calories and your body fat even when you are doing nothing. Sounds weird? Yes, it does, but it really works!
Don’t get frightened if you put on weight. Your muscle tissue is heavier than fat. Consider adding 12-18 strength repetitions to your workouts and repeat it 2-3 times a week with 2-3 sets. As a bonus, your body will continue burning fats 24 hours after the training.
Furthermore, numerous studies have proved that weight trainings help to get rid of deep belly fats, thus you will look gorgeous on the beach! Pay attention to each group of muscles for better results. Be sure, kettle-bells and weights can look very attractive in beautiful woman’s hands.
6. Hemp
We all know about whey protein, and many people try to lose weight by using it. But I want to tell you that this is not a good way. I did it, and all that I got were my big butt and big thighs. Moreover, I always wanted to eat something with sugar, and I was really addicted. As a result, it affected my glycemic index. Then I tried to use hemp protein, and it was a good decision.
Hemp tones muscles and does a lot of great things. It’s absolutely organic, vegan, and raw. It’s a whole food that is made from hemp seeds. Also, hemp isn’t a processed product, and it’s cold-pressed. Hemp has an amazing nutty taste. Once you try it, you will never even think about protein powders.
Probably you have no idea what you can cook with hemp. I am crazy about hemp smoothie and hemp milk! For smoothies, I take 3 tbsp. of hemp seeds, 1 banana, and a glass of milk. I blend the ingredients all together and add some ice to it. If you want to make hemp milk, you will need 200 grams of seeds and 3 glasses of warm water.
Blend seeds with water and strain the mixture through the sieve. Perhaps the taste will be unusual and inedible. That’s why I always add a bit of vanilla, maple syrup, or strawberry to it. Now it’s the best drink I’ve ever tried!
Read also – 8 Foods Fit People Like to Eat
7. Coconut flour
Coconut flour is a must if you want to get rid of body fat fast! It contains much more fiber and protein than usual flour. Plus, it is low in fat. It stabilizes the production of thyroid hormone and reduces body fat due to its fiber content. I really love coconut flour. You can make some smoothie with it, or bake with it and make milk pudding.
Because of the unusual density of coconut floor, you can find it difficult to cook. That’s why I usually mix coconut flour with other kinds of flour. It perfectly goes with almond flour. They give a delicate, airy structure. But don’t reckon that coconut flour serves merely as sweet.
You can use coconut flour to enhance the taste of baked meat and fish, omelet, or whatever you want. But make sure you don’t use any coconut butter. Forget about sugar, nuts, and dried fruits, and use stevia instead.
The only bad thing is that coconut flour is definitely not the cheapest one. That’s why try to purchase it online or prepare it by yourself using coconut flakes.
8. Avoid nut butter
Most of us love nut butter, but many of us forget that nut butter is high in calories. How do you want to lose body fat if you get this ocean of calories? Just imagine: 2 spoons of butter contain up to 200 calories! And I know you eat a bit more than two spoons. Consume nut butter in moderation, or don’t buy them at all. Opt for chia seeds, flax seeds, and – as I have already said – hemp seeds! For the best result, add 3 tbsp. of them to your food and eat them every day.
If you’re a sweet tooth and can’t live without this tasty food, here are some tricks I use to substitute nut butter. The first one is honey. It contains fructose and antioxidants. I use honey in my tea, coffee, and in recipes as a sugar substitute.
Berries are the second thing I eat when I need something sweet. Most people who stick to diets think that fruits can completely substitute artificial sweeteners and sugar. This is not really so. Many fruits are high in calories and only increase body fats. Banana, grapes, avocado, and mango are all high in calories.
Berries contain only 30-40 calories in 100 grams and, what is more, they benefit digestion and metabolism. Try these ploys to avoid using butter in your diet.
Read also – 7 Seeds That Will Help You Lose Weight
9. Stop eating diet foods
A lot of people think that they can lose weight by eating diet cereals, ice creams, protein bars, etc. The truth is that diet foods don’t work! Don’t buy processed foods in special cans, containers, and boxes. Don’t eat a lot of artificial sweeteners, excess carbs, and processed bread. Opt for organic fresh food, instead.
Organic food will improve your mood and help you lose weight faster. The food is considered to be organic if it contains more than 90% of natural ingredients. It means that no pesticides or fertilizers were used in it. Check whether the product is properly marked.
It’s always a great idea to make your own meal instead of buying frozen dishes. Remember that healthy food lays in your saucepan and is not packed in a plastic bag. Cook the portion you can eat at one go. Try not to keep dishes for several days. I know how difficult it is to refuse such habitual food. And you may be at a loss at first when looking at those raw vegetables, oatmeal, spices, and dairy products.
But if you really want to improve digestion and speed up metabolism, get used to cooking for yourself. Healthy, organic food can be really delicious.
10. The intervals
Regular half-hour trainings prove to be much more effective than two-hour overload at weekends. Try doing different exercises. For instance, 1 minute of high-intensity exercises to 3 minutes of easy pace and vice versa. Usually, an interval workout takes 30 minutes, and you need to repeat this 2-3 times a week.
After interval training, you will continue losing fat intensively when the session is over! You can choose biking, running, skipping rope, or whatever you like. Moreover, the short intervals strategy also works with weight training.
Try to change or vary your fitness program every other week. Your muscles get used to all the exercises, and with time they may not be so effective. This integration in your fitness routine will increase your metabolism and, of course, help to burn body fat. Your heart will work as a clock, and the effect of intervals will keep for a long time after workouts.
However, don’t go mad about training. Our body needs recovery and relaxation; otherwise, we exhaust it. Another important thing to consider is intervals between food intake. Eat small portions 5 or 6 times a day. Packing your stomach after a workout is the worst mistake you can make. To define the size of a portion, use your palm. Stick to these rules, and you will manage to get rid of fat faster than you think.
Read also – 10 Surefire Ways to Get a Flat Stomach
11. Green helpers
We all know that vegetables are useful for us. They make us healthier and give us a lot of vitamins. Moreover, vegetables are the main food in a vegetarian and vegan diet. So, stop arguing with your mother and just eat it! You should eat your veggies at least 5 times a day. Let your immune system become stronger and boost your metabolism to get rid of body fat fast.
Eating vegetables will provide you with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. When your body is supplied with nutrients, it functions properly. Thus, vegetables are a sure way to speed up metabolism and stay fit. The number of recipes with vegetables is really astonishing. Roast, baked, stewed vegetables are all great. Moreover, vegetable juice, smoothie, and even desserts are at your choice.
Do not forget about fennel, onion, parsley, and lettuce. They are a fount of antioxidants and minerals. I always accomplish salads with green spices to enhance the taste and make the dish full of vitamins. Eat fresh organic vegetables, and you will watch your needless pounds disappear.
12. Music
Music is a great companion when you work out. You can get some motivation, and it gives you more energy and strength even when you are bored or tired. Just make sure you renew your playlist regularly. Music makes the intense and the pace of exercises. Calm and relaxing music is a good complement to yoga and meditation. Download all your favorite tracks and enjoy listening to them when running. If you can’t find any good songs, try listening radio.
It’s a good alternative to your own playlist. Other people care about your good mood and your body charger. I love listening to iTunes radio. It helps me be more energetic, hence burn more calories and reduce body fat! Music helps to concentrate on the task, and it gives people confidence and faith.
Another way to lose fat with music is dancing. It gives you a burst of positive emotions and helps you to get free. An hour of fervent movements will burn almost 500 calories! When you have nothing to do, just turn on the music and help your body feel good.
Read also – 7 Nutrients that Help Boost Your Metabolism and Aid Your Weight Loss
13. Combine cardio and strength training
This way will definitely help you burn calories, reduce body fat, and increase your metabolism. Combine 45-60 minutes of cardio training with weight training and you will get a great result. A couple of sets will reinforce the effect. By combining cardio and strength exercises, you will develop your muscles and get rid of that fat. Cardio training enhances your body endurance, and weight training help to create muscles.
Combined pieces of training are always more effective than only one kind of exercise. Our muscles get used to every kind of physical activity. That’s the reason we feel uncomfortable at the beginning of the session and good after the training. However, when we work with the same complex of exercises for a long time, they become inefficient.
It’s recommended to combine cardio and strength training to achieve great results. I also recommend you to check your heart rate regularly when exercising to prevent an overload. Normal heart rate can increase up to 140 when exercising.
14. Jump
All children, teens, and adults love to jump! Skipping rope is still a favorite entertainment of many people. It’s fun, and it really helps us to burn calories and shed body fat. In the sport, it’s called “plyometric exercises.” You may do the burpee or jump lunges and jump squats. Jump every day for faster results.
An hour of jumping can help you lose up to 700 calories! However, don’t hurry to start right now! Jumping is not as easy as you think. You will see that even 5 minutes of such exercises are tiresome. Start with 50 jumps and gradually enhance the amount until you can jump at least 15 minutes. I usually do 3 or 4 sets during the day, and it helps me stay fit.
The main point in jumping is to breathe evenly. Inhale with your nose and exhale with your mouth. Jumping will not only burns fat but also increase the endurance of your body. If you use a skipping rope, make sure that the hops are frequent and with low amplitude. Ask your sister or friend to jump with you. Emulative spirit will make your training even more effective, not to mention the fun that you are going to have!
Read also – 8 Simple Exercises to Do While Watching TV
15. Yoga
That’s the thing I’m really crazy about! Yoga is a true remedy against fats and excess weight. However, many people think that yoga isn’t useful, and they think that it’s simply a waste of their time because of its slow-movement exercises. But I disagree with this, and I’m going to explain why.
Yoga provides a perfect effect on your muscles as you accomplish many balance postures. Each posture lasts for at least 15 seconds. Believe me, and it’s enough to get tired. When your muscles are tense, you have to make efforts not to lose balance. As a result, you burn lots of calories.
Yoga will make your body flexible and endurable. But everyday practice is important if you want to gain some results. I don’t mean you should spend 2 hours daily doing yoga. 30-40 minutes will be enough to tone your body. Surf the Internet to find complexes for beginners and start with basic postures.
Try to combine yoga exercises with your usual workouts, and your body fat will disappear faster than you think. Plus, you will tone your whole body and clean the lymph system. Don’t underestimate yoga, and it boasts amazing health benefits. After all, have you ever seen a fat yogi?
16. Chlorophyll helpers
We have already talked about vegetables, but now I want to take your attention to greens. They are good for your body, and they help burn fat. It’s full of chlorophyll; that’s why the process of fat releasing goes faster, and it cleanses your body naturally.
I love spirulina since it’s a great source of chlorophyll, and it contains protein, Vitamin B12, and amino acids. Add more greens to your smoothies and salads. Start your mornings with green juice. A twig of parsley can enrich the taste of any dish. Moreover, you will get enough energy, become happier and slimmer.
Another essential green helper is seaweed. People often ignore this food as it looks weird and people don’t know what to do with it. However, seaweed is a fount of iodine that is found in very few products. Iodine helps our thyroid gland function thoroughly. As you know thyroid gland is essential for maintaining a good weight.
Seaweed can be used as an appetizer or a snack. To prepare seaweed salad, add vinegar, salt, sugar, and olive oil to the portion of seaweed. Seaweed salads go with meat and fish. Regular eating of this chlorophyll product will provide you with spirit, a healthy body, and perfect weight.
Read also – 8 Healthy Reasons to Eat Cucumbers
17. Superfoods
There are 3 superfoods that will help you burn more calories, balance your hormones, increase your metabolism and reduce body fat. These foods are cacao, maca, and acai. Add them to your diet, and you will feel the result very soon. If you feel that you don’t have enough energy and get a lot of stress during the day, you need to consume more maca. It balances your hormones and solves problems with thyroid-boosting amino acids. Believe in its wonderful qualities, and this superfood will help you!
Cacao powder is a diet-friendly chocolate ingredient that lowers appetite and gives you a sort of satisfaction. It contains magnesium that helps reduce stress. Plus, cacao improves metabolism, as it is a natural stimulant. Even people who stick to a diet are allowed to eat up to 50 grams of dark chocolate with a high level of cacao in it. It’s a real cure if you cut down on all the sweets.
Acai helps reduce stress and shed fat storage due to its high omega 3 fatty acid and antioxidant content. Add them to juices, smoothies, or milk and get rid of the body fat faster.
When I need recreation and warmth, I love to enjoy drinking chocolate milk. To make this fantastic drink, you will need 2 glasses of milk, 2 tsp. of vanilla extract, 3 tbsp. of cacao powder and 1 tbsp. of maca powder. Sugar or other sweeteners are optional. Just boil the milk and add all the rest ingredients. Enjoy your healthy drink!
18. Regular workouts
Stop thinking that one workout a week will help you lose weight. If you want to get rid of your body fat fast, you should exercise 5-6 times a week. It’s impossible to gain the same result by training once a week during several hours. Regular trainings will help load your body evenly without excess stress. However, you should determine your abilities before training too intensively.
During the first few weeks, 2-3 pieces of training will be enough. You will gradually strengthen your muscles and will be able to increase the number of trainings. You will burn 700 calories every day if you work out regularly. Consider the time of trainings as well. The optimal duration is 45-60 minutes. Don’t exercise for longer than 60 minutes since it can destroy your muscle tissue. I recommend sticking to a usual time, and you will certainly achieve your weight loss goals.
Read also – 8 Best Exercises to Slim Your Waist
19. Healthy diet
This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of your body fat. If you want to lose those unwanted pounds, make sure you eat healthy. Do you remember about the healthy food pyramid? It should be your guide on the way to a perfect body. Cut down on junk food, excess sweets, salt, and fizzy beverages. Add lean meats, vegetables, and fruits to your diet to feel good and have enough energy to exercise daily. Opt for high fiber and whole-grain foods and avoid eating fried foods.
The best way to cook healthy is baking. Most vegetables and meat preserve all the nutrients and vitamins when they are baked. Try to freeze fruits and berries to supply your body with all the essential elements in winter.
Be sure to drink 8 glasses of water every day and avoid drinking alcohol. And finally, try to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day to boost your metabolism and tickle your taste buds. The intervals between food intakes should not exceed 3 hours. Try not to eat 2 hours before bed. When you sleep, your stomach cannot function properly. As a result, you will harm your digestion and put on several needless pounds.
20. Mini meals
Just because you are trying to get rid of body fat doesn’t mean you should starve yourself. As I mentioned above, you need to eat mini meals throughout the day to lose weight the healthy way. However, late-night snacking is a bad idea; if hunger strikes in the middle of the night, don’t be afraid to eat a healthy mini-meal. Fruits are great companions when you want to eat something without wrecking your diet. A peach with organic yogurt is the perfect snack to eat before sleep.
If you are busy all day long and there’s no possibility to have lunch, prepare your snacks at home. Walnuts, berries, and vegetables make a perfect, healthy snack. My favorite snack is a tomato salad with cheese. I just slice tomato, add in small pieces of cheese and a twig of parsley. Voila! My healthy snack is ready!
Read also – 7 Mini Meals to Eat Throughout the Day for Weight Loss
Losing weight doesn’t have to be hard. Little changes and great motivation are all you need to achieve your goal. Are you going to try any of these ways to get rid of body fat fast? Do you have any tips to share with us?