If you start your weight loss program, you may be looking for ways to treat yourself so you stay motivated to continue losing weight. It’s always nice to have some reward for your hard work once in a while. In a recent study, Penn State researchers found that having small rewards is one of the best ways to stay motivated to lose weight.

Take all those weight loss TV shows, for instance, they offer little rewards to keep contestants motivated. So, here are a few awesome ways to treat yourself to stay motivated and inspired to lose weight.

1. A new workout outfit

While losing weight, make sure you set mini-goals. For example, for every five or six pounds of weight loss, you can reward yourself with shorts or a sports top. This mini reward will definitely keep you motivated and inspired to work out with fashion and style!

2. Makeover

As you achieve your mini weight loss goals, you can schedule a makeover at the beauty counter and even buy a new liner or lipstick, or another beauty product while you’re at it. It’s a great nonfood reward that I like and that really works! Just give it a try!

Read also – 6 Reasons to Get a Makeover

3. Flowers

Nothing brightens a day more than a nice bouquet of fresh flowers, even if you are buying it for yourself. Who cares? If you want to celebrate your weight loss, do it with your favorite flowers, which will remind you for about a week that you achieve one of your weight loss goals!

4. A charm to represent your weight loss

Add to your bracelet or a necklace a charm to represent your weight loss or some new activity you’re participating in. You can get a biker, runner, or a number. If you don’t like to wear charm bracelets, then get a magnet for your fridge to remind you of reaching your weight loss goals!

5. A new dress

If you lose 10 (or even 15) pounds and you can easily fit in smaller dress size, think of buying a new dress. You don’t have necessarily to spend a ton of money. Dress shopping is all about having a lot of fun!

So visit the sale section of your favorite store to snag an amazing buy without paying a lot. Now plan a night to go out with your partner or friends and wear your new dress with confidence!

6. Mani/Pedi

While losing weight, don’t forget to relax! Reward yourself with having a manicure and pedicure day! It’s a great idea to have a girls’ day out and reward yourself a little for reaching your weight loss goal!

7. A massage

Who doesn’t love getting a massage? I can surely say that every person likes massages because they are so relaxing and good for blood circulation. Set a goal such as every 15 pounds lost, you can schedule a massage. That’s one of the best ways to treat yourself to stay motivated to lose weight!

Read also – 7 Great Reasons to Have a Massage

Reward yourself, get moving and eat healthier and you will certainly achieve your weight loss goal. What are your weight loss goals? How do you reward yourself for hard work? Do tell.