Summer is the best season to throw various parties. Everyone goes outside, and there are many activities to do together. In summer BBQ is one of the easiest ways to feed lots of people fast! But what should we do in the cold winter months? We can also throw different parties! I’ve got a list of 7 best winter party ideas to help you embrace event planning in the cold months!

1. Warm up party

This is one of the best party ideas to warm up all your friends from that winter cold. Everything you can drink or eat is going to be hot or warm. You can get a big pot filled with a hot chocolate for your friends to pour for themselves. Also you can put some marshmallows out for them to sprinkle on the top. Cook different soups for your friends to choose from. Anything hot or warm is great at this party! Warm cake, warm biscuits, grilled cheese, and anything tasty!

2. Penguin theme

What animal comes to mind first when you think of the snow? Of course penguins! I love this cute party theme! Buy or make penguin design cupcakes or cookies, set up several stuffed penguins around the house, and then put a big plate of Swedish fish and a bowl of blue punch out as if it’s “ocean water” with Swedish fish thrown on the top. There are many possibilities, and everything depends on your imagination.

3. Make gingerbread house

Making a gingerbread house is an amazing and fun activity for children and adults alike! You can also have an entirely gingerbread themed party! Buy plenty of candy and gingerbread cookies. Set up a table with a few bowls of icing, candy, and gingerbread house pieces and ask everyone to make their own gingerbread house together! It is a perfect way to get a few gingerbread houses and have more laughs.

4. Milk men

If you want to throw a winter party that involves kids, milk men are the great treat! To make them you’ll need: milk, small milk glasses, powdered donut holes, and straws. It’s up to you how to decorate the snowman faces, but you can also take candy coated sunflower seeds for the nose and chocolate jimmies for the eyes. The scarves are just cut from felt and simply wrapped around.

5. Still a kid party

Even the most mature of adults sometimes want to be kids again. Why not to throw still a kid party to give your guests some fuzzy and warm nostalgia? Tell your friends that they should buy a toy, which they know their past kid self would have liked. When your friends get to the party, throw all toys into a grab bag from which everyone will blindly choose a present. For even more laughs you can also play this as a “white elephant” present exchange. The drinks and food should be that which children would like: fruit punch, hot cocoa, cookies, macaroni with cheese, etc.

Read also – 8 Things You Can Only Do In The Winter

6. Hot cocoa party

Hot cocoa party is probably the easiest and cheapest party favor, which your guests will definitely love! Especially if you’ll be more creative with them and shape them into snowmen! The snowman is made with 2 baby food jars and some paint. Fill the first jar with a cocoa mix and the second jar with marshmallows! Tie a pretty little scarf around them, and then paint the top jars cap black. Now you have a lovely yet practical winter party favor!

7. Winter wonderland party

The main theme of winter wonderland party is to have everything be a light blue or white. You can also ask your friends to wear white. So put out fake snow cotton all over your shelves and tables, and have only white food, namely white hot chocolate, powdered donuts, and marshmallows. Place a few snowmen throughout your house and hang some decorative snowflakes. It’s like standing in a winter wonderland without feeling that you’re freezing!

Read also – 10 Effective Ways to Get in Shape This Winter

Just because you don’t like to throw a party inside, it doesn’t mean that you need to limit yourself. Personally I like winter parties because they make you feel warm and remind you the great importance of your family and friends. Have you ever thrown or attended a winter party? What other winter party ideas do you know? Share your thoughts, please!