Groceries can be a big part of your budget any time of year, but the winter months are often more expensive. The rise in cost is often due to the need to eat richer food in colder months. Holiday feasts also contribute to rising grocery costs in the winter.
You can save money without skimping on nutrition if you just take some time to plan ahead. Here are a few tricks to save money on groceries during the winter season.
1. Take advantage of deals
2. Use fillers
Just half a pound of meat will feed the same number of people you might normally need a pound of meat for if you stretch it.
3. Fill up on grains
4. Make it from scratch
Winter recipes for everything from tomato sauce to homemade bread can be found online, so there is no excuse not to try.
5. Use coupons
Try looking online for coupons to your favorite foods. You can even write your favorite companies a nice letter and you may receive coupons in return.
6. Hold potluck dinners
Everyone shares the cost and you can still enjoy a fun dinner together.
Read also – 10 Family-Friendly Christmas Dinner Recipes
7. Buy bulk
The same method works for other types of groceries, as well, such as toilet paper and soap. However, don’t buy too much. Buy foods that you will definitely use in your meals.
8. Plan for leftovers
You can stretch the meat further by spreading it out a bit.
9. Break out the slow cooker
Just pop the meat into the slow cooker, add some vegetables and herbs, along with some liquid, and cook for 8 hours or until the meat is falling apart. As a bonus, you can use the cooking liquid to make a pasta sauce or use it as a soup base.
10. Buy generic
The quality is similar in many products and the cost is much lower (you can save up to 25%). Often, generic foods taste much better than the name brands and some of them are even healthier. Read food labels and make smart food choices.
Read also – 10 Ways to Sneak in Healthy Eating
To save money on groceries during the winter season, you don’t have to make many changes. Just a few tweaks to the way you shop can change everything and save you quite a bit. The key to a successful shopping is the right planning. Never go shopping without your shopping list and when you are hungry. Otherwise, you may end up buying more than you need and spending more than you want. What are your tips to save money on groceries during the winter season?