It is quite possible to live on less money without compromising on lifestyle. Just because you do not have as much income does not mean you can’t live well. Here is how you can earn less and afford more.

1. Skip the cable and use Netflix

Cable can be pricey and it wastes a lot of time. If you invest in Netflix instead, you can easily watch your favorite shows and movies for less. Double up with someone else to cut the meager cost in half and you will have very cheap entertainment.

2. Shop at the farmers market

Head to the farmer’s market and you will find fresh produce for less than many supermarkets. You can eat healthier and pay less. If you stock up on fresh food, you can freeze some of it for the winter months when the market is closed.

3. Make use of discounts

Are you a senior citizen? Do you or your spouse work for the military? Are you a student? Discounts are available for everything from food to clothes and theme parks. If you are not sure if a business offers any discounts, go ahead and ask.

4. Use a rewards card

Some credit cards offer reward points, cash back or even air miles. It is a good idea to look for a card promotion that offers a bonus if you spend a certain amount in the first three months. Use the card to pay all your bills and then pay off the card immediately to avoid high interest fees. You will have extra points to use however you want.

5. Shop online

Often, you can find items you want for less if you do a little research. Look at online shops to get better prices. Since Internet-based stores have very low overhead, their prices are usually lower.

6. Sell your old stuff

If you do not have the cash to buy new things, try selling off some of the older items that you no longer use. Not only does this bring in some extra money, it is also a great way to de-clutter the house.

7. Pay off your debt

Credit card debt and student loans can cripple your budget. Talk to a financial advisor and come up with a plan for paying off the debts as quickly as possible. Each amount that is paid off frees up more money for your own use. You will also avoid the excessive interest rates.

8. Reduce medical bills

Instead of paying for a doctor every week or two, make sure your family is healthy and stays that way. Eating well and getting plenty of exercise and a proper amount of sleep will help everyone avoid doctor visits. You will feel better and spend less.

9. Get last-generation electronics

There really is no need to be the first in line to get the new iPhone or the latest gaming station. You can get the previous generation for much less when the newest versions come out. Prices on the older models drop.

10. Watch for deals

Sites that offer limited-time specials and massive discounts for a specific number of people can be a great way to get cheap products and services.

Keep an eye out for deals that you can use and grab them when they come up. You can find everything from hotel rooms and hair treatments to restaurant meals and toys for up to half price.

Earning less does not have to be the end of the world. If you know how to stretch your dollars, you can actually end up buying more. From couponing to turning off the cable, there are plenty of little ways to save money and still get more out of life.