Whether you already work a full-time job and are simply too tired to put forth additional effort to earn extra money or do not work at all but simply need extra money, there are several ways to make it even when you are lazy. In fact, once you have started pulling in the extra bucks with minimal effort, you will wonder why you used to work so hard.

1. Sell stuff online

Selling items online is the perfect way for the lazy person to generate cash. Simply take a photo of the item, create a detailed online ad and wait for someone to buy it. Use local websites to sell your stuff or post the items on online auctions.

2. Write something

If you have strong English language and grammar skills, use your talent to write and sell articles and stories to print and online publications. Since you can make your own hours and work from home in your pajamas, writing is the perfect profession for the lazy.

3. Cash in cans

No matter how lazy you are, you can surely toss an aluminum can in a bin each time you empty it. Do that often enough and soon you will have a collection of aluminum cans that you can cash in for cash. Crush the cans, bag them up, and take them to your local recycling center where you will get paid by the pound.

4. Donate blood or plasma

Get paid to donate blood or plasma. All you have to do is sit there and let the medical staff do the work. You will help people out who need blood or plasma and probably even get cookies and juice at the same time.

5. Have a garage sale

Go through your home and locate numerous items you no longer want or need. Haul the stuff out into the yard or garage and have a sale. All you have to do while you collect your money is sit in a lawn chair and chat with the shoppers who visit your sale.

6. Spend less

A great lazy way to make money is to simply spend less. Cutting spending means less time and effort spent going to the store to shop. Pocket the extra cash you save and use it for whatever you want. Avoid tempting spots like the local coffee shop and your favorite stores to help you cut your spending.

7. Do tarot readings

Grab a deck of tarot cards and a book that explains the meaning of each card and start learning. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to have psychic powers to read the cards. You merely need to learn the meanings and how to interpret the cards in a layout. Charge for your services to make money.

8. House sit

Advertise your services as a house sitter. When your clients are away on business or pleasure, all you have to do is stay at their house, water their plants, and possibly care for their animals. Other than that, your time is your own and you can be as lazy as you please.

9. Rent out a room

If you have a spare bedroom in your home, advertise for a boarder. You can collect cash at the beginning of each month without expending a lot of time and effort otherwise. Order a background check on your renter before finalizing the deal.

10. Pawn your valuables

When you need cash quick and do not want to overtax yourself, collect a few valuables and take them to the pawn shop. You can sell them outright if they are items you no longer want or pawn them for a specified period of time and pay them off and retrieve them once your need for cash has passed.

While there is nothing wrong with working hard to make a buck, you can see that there are several ways you can make money without spending hours at a boring job. Choose the method that works best for you and soon you will have a pocket full of cash.