If you cannot afford to go on vacation this summer, check out a list of fun and inexpensive things to do at home. Explore your local park or plant flowers for your neighbor! No more sitting at home just checking Facebook or watching TV, these fun and inexpensive things to do at home in the summer will help you and your family to have the best summer ever.

1. Backyard camping

Backyard camping is one of the best thing you can do at home this summer. Invite your relatives and friends for an outdoor bonfire, a night under the stars, and scary ghost stories when you camp outside in the backyard! Bring out several sheets to make a tent, hang up white twinkling lights, and bring all the pillows you have. And don’t forget juices and popcorn!

Read also – 7 Refreshing, Low-Cal Cocktails to Try this Summer

2. Homemade ice cream

Have you ever made homemade ice cream? No? Try to make it this summer! Most ice creams sold in supermarkets have many artificial flavors in them and they don’t taste as creamy and fresh as they should. Once you try making your own ice cream you’ll see how simple and tasty it is.

3. Teen yard sale

Do you have some great things stored under your beds or hanging in your closets that you don’t wear or use anymore? Why not put together a teen yard sale where you set all your things up on tables for your neighbors and friends to price it or exchange things? That’s so fun!

4. Neighborhood talent show

This summer there’s no need to go to a play or concert when you can throw your own neighborhood talent show! No matter whether your relatives, friends, neighbors or coworkers want to sing, dance, or act, make a date of it, print up flyers and post them around your town for everybody to come join the fun. You could have judges and have a prize for the winner, or even make it a weekly event.

5. Start a community garden

Before you start a community garden you need to call the city/township for permission. Once you get permission, revitalize an empty lot in your town with a blooming garden. This can bring everybody together for a big project! You can even plant cucumbers, tomatoes, and other veggies to give to the local shelter.

6. Treasure hunt

Well, girls, go on an adventure through the park or around town this summer with treasure hunt. First of all make a list of things your friends have to find and don’t forget to take a photo of each item on your list so everybody has proof. Make this a treasure hunt your friends will want to make better and bigger every summer.

7. Start a club

The summer is perhaps one of the best times to start a great social club in your neighborhood. For example, you can start a club for teens who like photography. Just call up your friends for some great ideas, print flyers and post them at the library and around your town. You might have a group of 10-15 or even more teens who want to join your club!

What is on your list of fun and inexpensive things to do this summer? Share your thoughts, please!