If you spend a lot of time at the beach, you will definitely love the following beach hacks. They are not about applying sunscreen or drinking a lot of water. They are the little tricks that may help you avoid most of the beach woes. Let’s skip a long introduction and start discussing some of the best beach hacks ever.
1. Easy sand removal
One of the best and at the same time worst things about the beach is sand. Sometimes it seems impossible to remove it. No worries. Invest in a baby powder and use it all season long to get rid of sand every time your beach time is over. Apply a little baby powder and brush it off. Your skin will be soft and sand-free.
2. Fix your flip flop instantly
It is a sort of curse, but I have flip flop problems every summer, which is why I always keep a few bread clips in my beach bag. To prevent the flip flop strap pulling free from the sole, I just clip bread clips above the wide end of the thong. Okay, maybe it does not look stylish, but it is better than walking barefoot.
3. Unclog ears after swimming
This a secret a professional swimmer shared with me last year. He said that he always keeps a balloon handy when he is going to swim. The trick is to inflate a balloon several times, plugging the nose. This helps to unclog ears in a matter of a few seconds.
4. Soothe sunburn
Aloe gel is one of the best sunburn remedies. Place it in the freezer for 10 minutes before going to the beach and keep it handy in case you get sunburn. Make sure you use fresh aloe vera gel, not the lotion that claims it contains aloe vera.
Read also – 9 Effective Natural Sunburn Remedies
5. Keep your money, keys, and cell phone
There are plenty of expensive beach lockers that promise to protect your most precious things when you enjoy swimming. The problem is most thieves know how those lockers look, so chances are your new beach locker will not do its job so you just waste your money.
Get creative and create your own unique beach locker that no thief will ever notice. It may be a tampon box, a disposable diaper, potato chip or juice package, you name it. What are your ideas?
6. Fix your beach towel
Sew four pockets onto each corner of your beach towel and put whatever you take along with you to the beach – books, water bottle, sunscreen products, whatever. This way, you will keep your towel in place instead of trying to fix it every two minutes. No stress while you sunbathe.
Beach time does not have to be stressful. Follow the tips mentioned above and have the most fabulous vacation ever. If you have some other ideas, please share them with us in the comments. Summer is all about fun, and we can help each other have the happiest summer ever.