Wondering why you should quit your job and become a teacher? Even though teachers don’t have high paychecks, some people choose to be teachers and love their career choice. Teachers play a crucial role in creating a stable, professional and well-educated workforce. They also play a significant role in children development.
In many parts of the world, the number of people that want to teach children dwindles. It’s not only because of low paychecks, it’s because modern children are very complicated. They’re a completely different breed of human. They stop respecting teachers and being interested in education overall. Despite this, teaching is quite a rewarding career. Here’s why you should consider becoming a teacher:
1. It’s a steady job
When working for a small or big company, there’s always a possibility of losing your job one day. Since teachers are in demand these days, you have a lower risk of job loss. The best part of having a steady job is that you know that you will definitely get your paycheck the next month.
2. You won’t feel stuck
Once in a while, you might feel overwhelmed , but not stuck. Teaching is tons of fun. Many teachers claim that their job helps them survive hard times and smile when they want to cry. Children may cause many problems, but mostly they tend to bring joy and happiness in our lives.
Moreover, you will learn many things and precious lessons not only from the books, but from your students as well. They will inspire you to be a better teacher and improve yourself. They might even teach you to respect and love yourself.
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3. Share your knowledge
Okay, you can share your knowledge in the office, but it might work against you. When you share your knowledge with kids, though, you are sure that they won’t betray you. Sharing knowledge is a fantastic feeling. Imagine having this sort of feeling each work day. Isn’t it a good reason to become a teacher?
4. You will hear ‘thank you’ more often than ever
Despite the fact that students have a tendency to hate their teachers, teaching is a respected job. Most adults are thankful to their teachers for their knowledge. Parents are grateful to teachers for their work too. Most of us trust and respect teachers because we know that we won’t reach success without their knowledge.
5. You’ll have longer vacations
One of the benefits of being a teacher is that you have longer vacations each year. Many people working in the office have no vacation at all. Moreover, some of them haven’t taken a vacation for years. Teachers have a vacation, whether they want it or not, which makes it one of the best jobs for workaholics.
6. Feel proud of yourself
Watching your students tackle difficult tasks and enter prestigious universities will make you feel proud of yourself. As a teacher, you play a huge role in your students’ success. They know what they know thanks to you. This will make you feel proud of yourself each day.
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7. Influence the next generation
As I mentioned above, modern kids are different breed of human. As a teacher, you can change their worldview or perspective. You have the power to shape new opportunities, new minds and brand new ideas. Shortly, you can totally influence the next generation.
Michelle Obama once said, “… good teachers aren’t just critical for the success of our students. They are the key to the success of our economy.” The more good teachers the country has, the more prosperous future it has. Of course, these are not all of the reasons why you should become a teacher. You may have your own ones too. Do you think teaching is a great job? If you are a teacher, let us know why you love your job.