Are you packing your bags for college? While packing for college is a bit intimidating, start it with a checklist of items that you’ll need in a dorm so that you don’t miss something in your packing. Now, break it down into “wants” and “must haves.” This will help narrow down the essentials and figure out what you really need. If you are confused and you don’t know what to bring to your new dorm room, check out this list.
1. First aid kit
First aid kit is a must-have thing to bring to your dorm room. You never know when you’ll need some painkillers, right? Studying is not a hanging out with friends so you should be prepared to have those terrible headaches. Keep in mind that the local store on campus might not open early in the morning or late in the evening, so packing first aid kit is a smart decision.
2. Comforter set
Moving out can be difficult, so you might want to make your new room feel like home. The best way to do it is to purchase a cute comforter set and add some color to those plain white walls. Choose a bright color, but make sure it’s not too overwhelming, because it can make your dorm room feel much smaller.
3. Underbed storage
Since dorm rooms are typically small, you need to take some underbed storage for your clothes or other things that you may not use too often. Underbed storage will help save you space and prevent clutter. If you have plenty of essential things that you can’t leave home, consider packing two or so underbed storage boxes.
4. Alarm clock
I know this sounds obvious and a little bit boring, but alarm clock is a must have. I know you have your smartphone and alarm clocks are out of date. Remember you shouldn’t be late for your classes and since you will have to get up early in the morning, you might need this. After all, you can break your smartphone and alarm clock can’t be broken so easy.
5. Mini fridge
It can be so annoying to put your name on everything in a shared fridge. So if you want to keep your food apart from your roommates, don’t forget to grab a mini fridge. Place it in a corner of your room and fill it with your favorite healthy food so nobody will eat what’s yours.
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6. Power cord
You’re going to want to have somewhere to plug all your electronics (phone charger, laptop, TV, alarm clock, etc.) into, right? That’s why you need to buy power cord and make sure you bring it to your dorm room. Many college students forget to pack this essential thing and end up begging for it.
7. Robe
Sharing a bathroom with a whole floor of people is a really challenging task, which is why you will definitely need some cute robe. Plus, you might need a robe on those movie nights when you want to lounge and wear some comfortable clothes.
8. Laundry basket
It’s not hygienic to share a laundry room with a building of young adults, especially when those adults like to take out your clothes before they’re done. Place your laundry basket on top of the machine you’re using at the time with your name on it. This might prevent someone from taking your clothes.
9. Bookcase
Bookcase is another essential thing to bring to your dorm room. Choose something thin and tall, because you will not have a lot of space. If you have a really limited space, talk to your roommate and try to work something out. For instance, split the bookcase in the middle, so that you get the top and your roommate gets the bottom, or vice versa.
10. Picture frames
As I said above, moving out can be very difficult because you won’t be able to see your family and friends. So why not put their faces all over the walls? Buy some cute picture frames and put them around your bed, if you’re sharing a room and can’t hang on the walls.
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11. Something that means a lot to you
Whether it’s your favorite picture of your family, or your oldest stuffed animal, bring it with you. Through difficult times, you might want to feel connected again to your family and your friends. It’s better to keep it on your desk or somewhere you’ll see it every morning.
The list could be endless, but these things are really essential. Make sure you bring what you know you will need and want, and what is very important to you. Of course, if you have tons of cash, you can easily buy the thing you forgot at home. But if you are broke, think twice before packing for college. Do you have anything important to add to this list?