Fatias de Tamar is a specialty of Portugal that deserves more attention here in the United States, too. It’s an incredibly rich confection that starts with twenty egg yolks, which are mixed in the Thermomix for a full fifteen minutes, followed by another ten minutes, before being cooked in a water bath in the Varoma. What really makes this so popular is the hot syrup that’s drizzled over the sliced yolk “cake” before serving.

Satisfy your sweet tooth with this easy-to-make recipe for “Fatias de Tomar” (Slices of Tomar – Portuguese Food Specialty).

1. Info for “Fatias de Tomar” (Slices of Tomar – Portuguese Food Specialty)

  • Cook Time: 1 hr
  • Total Time: 1 hr
  • Servings: 4

2. Ingredients for “Fatias de Tomar” (Slices of Tomar – Portuguese Food Specialty)

  • 20 egg yolks
  • butter for greasing, as needed
  • 1200 grams water
  • 350 grams sugar
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • zest, 1 lemon

3. Directions:

  1. Put the “butterfly” in the Thermomix bowl and add the yolks. Beat for 15 minutes/37°/speed 4.
  2. Beat the yolks for another 10 minutes on speed 4.
  3. Grease a cake pan with butter and pour the yolks into the pan.
  4. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and place in Varoma.
  5. In a clean bowl, put 1000 grams of water in the Varoma, and set for 50 minutes/Varoma/speed 2.
  6. Remove and set aside.
  7. In a clean bowl place the remaining 200 grams of water, sugar, cinnamon stick and lemon peel.
  8. Set for 10 minutes/Varoma/speed 2.
  9. Unmold the yolks, cut into slices and drizzle with the hot syrup.