Even the simplest habits can cost more money than you expect. If you really want to save money and stick to your budget, you will want to avoid these common daily expenses that can add up all too quickly.

1. Snacks

Grabbing a bag of chips or a packet of cookies for a snack a couple of times a day may seem harmless, but it rapidly adds up. Before you know it, you’ll have spent several dollars in a week on simple junk food. If your tastes run to the more expensive options, like large bags of chips or pretzels, you could end up spending far more.

2. Coffee

Is a morning coffee run part of your daily routine? If so, you could be saving over $100 a month just by making your own coffee at home. Consider how often you grab a muffin or piece of banana bread while you are buying your coffee. You could be wasting quite a bit of money on what can be made for pennies.

3. Cable

Most people do not even watch much television with all the other types of media that are available, but you are probably still paying around $80 a month for it. Cancel the cable and opt to watch movies on Hulu or Netflix instead. You will pay a fraction of the cost.

4. Cell phone

Your mobile phone could destroy your budget if you are not careful. Many phones have low data packages and if you exceed those limits, you pay extra.

Keep this in mind and avoid running up your time or data on the phone. Instead, log into the nearest WiFi and use Skype to communicate with friends for free or browse the Internet.

5. Bus fare

If you take public transport to work on a daily basis, it is worth getting a monthly pass. The pass will cost less than paying out of pocket every single time you get on the bus.

Depending on where you live, bus passes can be unlimited or they may permit you to ride a certain number of times. Either way, you save.

6. Eating out

Even cheap restaurants can add up, particularly if you have a family. To avoid this common expense, try making extra of your favorite meals and freezing the extra portions. When you feel the urge to grab take out so you do not have to cook, just thaw and reheat the food in the freezer.

7. Late fees

Paying the bills a day or two late may not seem like a big deal, but it can cost you quite a bit of money. Most bills automatically have a fee added on when you do not pay before a specific date. The fee could end up being what ruins your budget this month. Pay attention and pay your bills on time to avoid this problem.

8. Gym membership

Do you belong to a gym? Do you actually go? While a gym membership that is actually being used is fine, one that is ignored is a waste of money.

In fact, you may have more than one membership that is affecting your budget. Take a look through your recurring payments each month and eliminate anything that is not being used often enough to make it worth paying for.

9. Groceries

It is not uncommon to overspend on groceries if you do not have a list and stick to it. Plan your meals for the week or month and then head to grocery store to buy just what you need. Avoid picking up anything that is not on the list and you will not blow your budget.

10. Medicines

Whenever possible, opt for generic brands of medications. You will save a considerably amount of money and the only thing that is different is the brand name. There is no point in spending hundreds of dollars on a name.

To keep your spending under control, make a point of tracking all the money you spend. If you buy a piece of candy, it should be marked down on your money log. Even tiny purchases can turn into large amounts of money over time.