Is your partner interfering and watching your every move? Does he always keep his eyes on you? Does he often treat you with suspicion and question you extensively about your whereabouts? Check out a few ways to cope with a jealous boyfriend.
1. Express your love
Men can be uncertain and jealous when their girlfriends don’t express their feelings and love. This ultimately starts translating into emotional upheaval, anger, and jealousy.
If you want to get rid of your partner’s insecurity, you should be more expressive of your feelings and love for him. Declare your love for him in front of your friends or bring him small gifts. Try all possible ways to make him feel loved and cared for.
2. Introduce him to your family, friends, and colleagues
Your partner can be more jealous when he doesn’t know the people you interact with every day. Introduce him to your social circles informally or formally, and you extinguish his worries about the platonic equation you share with each person. Don’t let your colleagues and friends become enigmatic personalities for your partner. It can increase his jealousy.
3. Boost his self-esteem and confidence
If you’ve ever admired your favorite actor or complimented a male friend’s outfit in front of your partner, it’s not surprising that he is so jealous. These simple, seemingly innocuous acts may have made your partner’s esteem and confidence hit rock bottom, making him jealous. Prove your sweetheart that he is the best and boost his confidence level.
4. Call him often
If you are not in touch with your partner for extended periods in a day, he may start worrying about your actions and whereabouts. He may also start imagining that you’re seeing another man and doing something you don’t want him to know. Try to call your partner and tell him about your day’s plans, and he will not go on a wild thinking spree.
5. Do your routine tasks together
Another fundamental and easy solution for you to end your boyfriend’s jealous streak is to spend more time with him. Maybe he just wants to get convinced that you are not attracted to another guy. Get your boyfriend to accompany you even for the most menial errands and chores such as browsing through your Facebook account, finishing some bank jobs, or going to the supermarket together. Doing routine tasks with your boyfriend will infuse a sense of satisfaction and stability in his mind.
6. Probe his previous relationships
Often there may be no reason for your partner to get jealous. His jealousy might be steaming from a past relationship in which he got hurt because of his ex-girlfriend’s infidelity. He could carry those feelings into your relationship in the form of jealousy.
Delve into his past relationships and find out whether your partner had such an experience. This might be the key to making him stop being jealous.
Have you ever had a jealous boyfriend? How did you deal with his jealousy and control issues? Share your thoughts, please!